Chongqing Heavy-forging Precision Machinery Co. Ltd
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Chongqing Heavy-forging Precision Machinery Co. Ltd
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Precision high-speed punching machine overload oil pump

时间:2024/4/8 9:44:15
  Precision high-speed punching machine overload oil pump. Have you ever known about precision punching machine overload oil pump? In our daily work, we must have more knowledge about precision high-speed punching machines, which is very useful for our daily work.
The overload oil pump of precision punching machine is one of its core components. It can detect the internal hydraulic cylinder pressure of the slider through an electromagnetic valve. When the pressure is insufficient, it can be quickly replenished to maintain normal high-speed stamping pressure; When overload occurs, the pressure can be instantly released to protect the life of the punching machine mechanism and mold.
The overload oil pump of precision punching machine has five functions: protecting the mold, emergency stop in case of danger, detachment during clamping, reducing connection clearance, and sensing eccentric load. It is essential to understand the working principle of overload oil pumps in order to use precision high-speed punching machines well. Our company's machinery will provide a detailed explanation on it:
When using the precision high-speed punching machine in practice, the pressure switch on the overload oil pump is turned on, making our company's precision high-speed punching machine in a operable state. Indicates overload protection and can be stamped. After the pump is started, due to the initial pressure, the main valve of the overloaded oil pump moves slightly to the right.
When the oil pressure in the high-speed precision punch cylinder rises above the set pressure, the main valve moves to the right against the spring force, pushes open the main valve seal, and returns the high-pressure oil to the oil tank.
Chongqing Heavy Forging Precision Machinery Co., Ltd © All rights reserved
Contact person: Mr. Ren Mobile  phone number: 13829142518 13556730158  landline number: 023-41560768  Fax: 023-41560768
Email:   Website:  Address: 2-8, No. 75 Tianyuan Road, Tianwen Street, Nan'an District, Chongqing